Monday, November 4, 2013

Collecting Our Soil

We collected our soil semi-close to a school but it was by baseball fields and right by plants such as trees. There should be nothing that should affect our test results. Because there should be no one walking on this soil and there are no pavements or building that are relatively close.When we collected the soil the weather, an abiotic factor, was relatively cold and dry. The dirt was surrounded by grass and right by trees. The dirt did contain roots showing there were biotic factors in the soil. Soil is composed of minerals, organic matter and air/water. Therefore there was organic matter present such as the roots and the decaying material such as humus due to decomposition of leaves and other organic materials. The soil is broken up into clumps. Although there are some bigger chunks of soil, for the most part they are small clumps. The soil is clumpy but it is soft. As you can see there are leaves and roots in the soil as well.
The soil in the Ziploc bag. As you can see it has roots and leaves in the soil and is in little clumps

Digging into the soil with our spoons. 

Maddie digging our hole for the soil. As you can see there are plants all around our soil. 

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