Monday, November 4, 2013

Controlled experiment

Now that we finished our remediation of our soil we got to put lettuce seeds in the control and our remediated soil. We put 6 lettuce seeds in each soil cup. The growth rate of our remediated soil was a lot more faster than our original soil. Our remediated soil's lettuce leaves were more full and there were three of the leaves compared to the originals soil which had one to two leaves and the leaves were more oval like. The survival rate was good in both but the original only grew five lettuce seeds instead of the six that we put in. Because our lettuce would have needed more time we could not have done the taste test. Although if we did our remediated soil's lettuce would have tasted better than our original. The remediated soil's lettuce looked more appetizing than the other based on its characteristics. If we did eat other group's soil it would've varied depending on where they originally got their soil and if they put in the right amounts of the fertilizer, acidifier, etc into their soil. We also added water to our soil. The first day we did it we added 14.8mL of water to each soil. The next time we added 25 to each and the last time we added 48.9 to the soil.
The seeds before we put them in

Adding 14.8 g of water to the soil right after we put in the seeds. 

As you can see the remediated soil grew the lettuce fairly quickly

Again you can see how quickly the remediated soil is growing compared to the controlled soil

Our final lettuce. The remediated soil is taller and bigger
The controlled soil at the end of the experiment. You can see the leaves not as full as the remediated

The remediated soil,which was taller and the leaves were fuller than the controlled soil. 

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