Monday, November 4, 2013

Soil Porosity Test

     In this experiment, we slowly poured 100mL of water from a 100mL graduated cylinder into a 250mL beaker filled to the 200mL mark with soil. Once water started to build up on top of the soil we stopped and measured that amount of water leftover from the 100mL graduated cylinder to determine the soil porosity.

First, we filled the 250mL beaker to the 200mL mark with our soil and the 100mL graduated cylinder to the 100mL mark with water.

Then, we slowly poured the water into the beaker.
Once the water started to make puddles on top of the soil, like shown in this picture, we stopped pouring the water.
Finally, we measured the leftover water and found there was 10.6mL of water leftover.

The soil porosity of our soil is 44.7%

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