Monday, November 4, 2013

Rachel's conclusion

At the beginning of this experiment I thought that this would be useless and kind of stupid. Who cares about soil, right? I found out that I was wrong. The right soil means everything! If you don't have the right pH, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, clay, sand or silt then the soil can be useless. I realized that there is a difference between dirt and soil. Dirt was the brown stuff I got on me after a well played soccer game, but soil was not dead it was alive and we needed excellent soil to be able to grow food. Soil supports the most diverse ecosystem on the planet. I learned that not all soil is the same. It is different depending on each area and the weather. In arizona the dirt is red and not good for farming but in the mid-west has the best soil for growing a large range of agriculture.  I learned that for most agriculture you have to perfect and help the soil with what it is lacking before you can grow different foods. Others should learn that soil is very important and be aware of everything soil is composed of. This experiment made me learn that I should care a lot more about all the different types of soil because all around us can be soil composed of all different things. I also learned that soil is very different than dirt and I will never make that mistake again!

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