Monday, November 4, 2013


First we had to measure out soil in two cups and make sure there was the same amount, which was 56.9g. One was to be a control and the other one will be put remediated. Our original soil lacked many different things that would make our soil the best it could be. Since our soil had a pH of 7.5 we put in some acidifier to lower it. We put in a teaspoon of acidifier. Even though we had a fairly good amount of organic material, we thought that it needed more along with phosphorous and nitrogen. The problem with this is we don't know how much of phosphorous and nitrogen we are adding. Since our potassium was good this could be a problem, but we added a spoonful of moo-nure anyway. Our soil was all clay so we added two spoonfuls of sand. We then added two spoons of potting soil in place of some silt and it also contains more sand and fertilizer and compost. Potting soil will help the soil be ready to grow things. We expect this soil to be much better than the original one since we added things that our soil lacked. The results of the soil texture test quantitative test led to the results of the soil dry percolation rate. Since our soil was mostly clay it showed that they would have similar percolation rates because of this. Obviously not the exact same because our soil had other elements in it too but very similar. Also, the soil moisture and percent organic matter are related because in the soil moisture you were looking for how much water is in your soil. Organic matter includes water because it will store water in the soil.  Therefore these two experiments are similar too.
Adding the Moo-nure for the organic matter

Adding more sand since our soil was mostly clay

Mixing everything together so we can add the seeds!

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